Lizenzero is eBay's solution partner for the Packaging Act Amendment!
In the course of the VerpackG amendment, marketplaces will have to check all merchants who sell through them to Germany with regard to compliance with the VerpackG requirements from July 2022. eBay has brought Lizenzero on board as a solution partner in this process.
Requirements of the Packaging Act Amendment for Marketplaces
The Packaging Act follows the principle of extended producer responsibility. Anyone who puts packaging on the market in Germany must contribute to the costs of recycling and disposal. The aim behind this is to reduce waste, make recyclable materials usable again and thus protect the environment. In the course of the amendment, a control obligation was imposed on marketplaces. Merchants who want to sell via marketplaces such as eBay must provide their marketplace with proof of compliance with the requirements from 1 July 2022. In addition to registration in the register of the Central Packaging Register (LUCID), the obligations of the Packaging Act also include system participation (also called licensing) with a dual system. Therefore, in the future, merchants will have to present the registration number of the Central Packaging Register on the one hand and the participation certificate of their dual system on the other hand.
The solution from eBay and Lizenzero
In order to meet these requirements and to support its traders in the best possible way, one of Germany's leading online marketplaces eBay has started a cooperation with the dual system Interseroh+ and its online shop Lizenzero. This joint service is intended to help German and international companies to continue selling products via eBay in a legally compliant manner.
Lizenzero is very pleased about this cooperation and the trust placed in us.